“आधुनिक जीवन” / “Modern Life” – YMPH DAILY CHALLENGE WINNERS POETRY

20/12/2020 की प्रतियोगिता का विषय है “आधुनिक जीवन” / “Modern Life”। हमसे जुड़े हुए प्रतिभावान कवियों के कविताओं को पढ़िए । प्रेम, डर, और अंधकार ऐसे कई मायने होंगे जो कवियों के दिल को भावुक रखते है । ऐसी भावुकता का हम आदर करते है और उनकी भावनाओं को निपुण बनाना ही संकल्प है हमारा । हम हर रोज किसी न किसी विषय पर अपने व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुप में Daily Challenge प्रतियोगिता के माध्यम से लेखकों तथा कवियों को उनकी बातों को कलम तक आने का मौका देते है । और जो सबसे अच्छा लिखते हैं । आप उनकी लेख इस पेज पर पढ़ रहे है

अगर आप भी एक कवि या कहानीकार है और अपनी रचना को पन्नो पर उतारना चाहते है तो हमारा व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुप अभी जॉइन कीजिये ।

आज के लेखनी के विजेता


पहले विजेता
Written by Avijit Basu Roy

My soul wanders
Up in the mountain, spread over the ledges,
The small hamlet overlooks the valleys beneath,
Like a giant serpent, the river meanders through,
Some sunlight sneaks in, through the canopy of
Rich frills of foliage overhead,
It blends with the clusters of morning mist
And the smoke from the logs burning in the earthen brazier,
Creating a hazy, imagery world.
Draped in a sari,
A village belle bakes, fresh breads made of gram flour,
The air is laden with smell of mist, smoke, burning logs and breads,
My soul often wanders around,
Reliving the bygones, over and over.

Written by Anjali Soni
क्या बताऊं ,कि कैसी दुर्दशा हो गई है औरतों की
कि उन्हें दो रोटी पकाने भर है छत नहीं ,
जो सभी का ख्याल रखती है
क्या उसे अपना ख्याल रखने का हक नहीं,
गंभीर, अधीर वह करुणा अवस्था
जिसे देख अश्रु धार बह आए,
क्या वह इतनी भी आशा के लायक नहीं
कि कोई उसे इस धुए से बचाए,
जिसे सिर्फ बाकी सब की फिक्र है, खुद की नहीं
कि वह धुआं किस कदर हानि दायक है ,
चाहती तो छोड़ देती सभी की फिक्र
लेकिन इन्हीं सब से तो है नारी की पहचान
हमारा गौरव, हमारा सम्मान,
हमारी इज्जत है वह
पराक्रमी सहनशीलता का जीता जागता उदाहरण
इन सब से ही तो बनी है जो ,
नारी है वह …

दूसरे विजेता

Written by Julekha Yashmin Ali
Modern life is a dream of each individual but to be modernised is not an easy task.
Today’s people think that simply by adapting the culture of western countries we will be called as modernised people. No but by modifying our culture and tradition to some extent we can live a modern life.
At first to live a modern life,every individual in the society should be literate and educated. Each and every individual should do work smartly rather than doing Hard work.
Simply by wearing western clothes and speaking in English we cannot say that we are living a modern life. But our thoughts should be modernised and we should do that activities which would lead us towards development and make us a modern person.Its very true that today we are technically and technologically advanced and developed but we can’t say that we are living a modern life.
Living a modern life fully depends on our mindset and perception.we will live a modern life where there will be no gender disparity.we will live a modern life where feelings of every individual would be respected and loved.We will live a modern life where there will be no hatredness towards transgender.
We will be modernised when there will be no rape case,no acid attacks,no dowry case,no eve teasing etc.We will live in a modern world where every girl child is safe both outside and inside her house.
We will be modernised where equal status will be given to each and every individual starting from a girl to transgender,from a baby girl to women in the society.

तीसरे विजेता
Written by Biswajit Sethi

A modern life leads us to an era of spectacular evolving mindsets that runs the society in a lavish manner . From a terrorizing condition of marginal groups in previous period to an age of human equality it shows us a difference aspect of viewing our lifestyle. A modern life not only includes the growth of science and technology , development of people’s luxurious life but also includes the psychological development that we evolved through. About a century ago the society of India practices a system of untouchability which is almost vanished in today’s workplace due to the development of education to every nook and corner. And about two centuries ago the educated woman regarded as witches in gentleman’s country but those women are the major force of society’s growth today. But beside those mind-boggling position of marginalised class the society still feel insecured from those people and in some case they thought those were inferior to them. So, in a modern life or thoughts with touch of modernity we have to take oath to promoting those marginalised one to a major force of society’s development and make the world a better place by making every one equal by giving equal opportunities to them.
Instagram- Id- extreme_dreamer

Special Write Up

  • Modern life
  • Written by Zeenat

Modern life is just amazing if we think about the positive amazing side of the modern life. We will find about the comfort, the completion of work in less time, the relaxation, and development. We alll already know about these advantages in common. But If we find something amazing and special about this modern life, we will truly find that. Can , people of old time ever think about the world tour? Some of them will truly think but as we think about common people so nobody. But in our modern life, we can’t only think even we can complete our dream. Then technologies i.e. the working of machines, industries, nib of a pen, the tik tok of clocks, the heels to increase the height and many more things about this wonderful modern life. These new things, about which people of old time couldn’t thought. This modern life is surely a dream for the old people. That is now completing, and all time it will be on the stage of completing because time never stop.


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