“जिंदगी गुलज़ार है”/Life is Just like a garden”– YMPH DAILY CHALLENGE

17/04/2021 की प्रतियोगिता का विषय है “जिंदगी गुलज़ार है/Life is Just like a Garden”। हमसे जुड़े हुए प्रतिभावान कवियों के कविताओं को पढ़िए । प्रेम, डर, और अंधकार ऐसे कई मायने होंगे जो कवियों के दिल को भावुक रखते है । ऐसी भावुकता का हम आदर करते है और उनकी भावनाओं को निपुण बनाना ही संकल्प है हमारा । हम हर रोज किसी न किसी विषय पर अपने व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुप में Daily Challenge प्रतियोगिता के माध्यम से लेखकों तथा कवियों को उनकी बातों को कलम तक आने का मौका देते है । और जो सबसे अच्छा लिखते हैं । आप उनकी लेख इस पेज पर पढ़ रहे है

अगर आप भी एक कवि या कहानीकार है और अपनी रचना को पन्नो पर उतारना चाहते है तो हमारा व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुप अभी जॉइन कीजिये ।


Savita Sawasia

जिंदगी गुलज़ार है

नमस्कार दोस्तों,
आज मैं आप सब के सामने सौम्या को लेकर आ रही हूँ । आप सोच रहे होंगें कि सौम्या कौन है ?
जी हाँ, सौम्या मेरी कहानी का किरदार है। आज की मेरी कहानी एक अच्छी,मिलनसार परन्तु अत्यधिक भावुक लड़की सौम्या के इर्द गिर्द है ।
आइए कहानी शुरू करते हैं …..
सौम्या अपने नाम के अनुरूप ही कोमल और बेहद संवेदनशील है।
जब से सौम्या समझने लगी, उसने एक सपना देखा,डॉक्टर बनने का ।
ख़ूब मेहनत की, कोशिश की पर ईश्वर ने तो उसके लिए कोई और ही दुनिया चुन रखी थी।
डॉक्टर नहीं बन पाई। उसका सपना टूट गया । उसे इतना गहरा आघात लगा कि उसने ईश्वर को ही भला बुरा कह दिया ।
वक़्त गुजरता गया। सौम्या अपने सपने को तो भूल नहीं पाई मग़र इस बात का एहसास भी था उसे कि सपना वही पूरा होता है, जिसमें भगवान की इच्छा होती है।
एक बार फिर ईश्वर में विश्वास रख पूर्ण निष्ठा, मेहनत और लगन के साथ जुट गई, जीवन में आगे बढ़ने के लिए …..
बड़ों के आशीर्वाद और अपनी मेहनत के दम पर आज उसने एक नया मुक़ाम हासिल कर लिया।
डॉक्टर बन तो सबके सामने नहीं आ पाई पर आज वो इस लायक बन गई है कि कई डॉक्टर बना सके।
अपनी इस उप्लब्धि पर सौम्या ने कहा – “ईश्वर के फ़ैसले सदैव हमारे हक़ में होते हैं ।हम सिर्फ एक फूल पाने की चाह रखते हैं, उसे न पाकर ख़ुदको खो देने की बात करने लगते हैं, पर ये भूल जाते हैं कि ईश्वर हमें जो देना चाहते है, वो हमारी चाह से कई गुना अधिक है।”
आज सौम्या को ईश्वर के निर्णय पर अटल विश्वास हो गया ।
यकायक ही उसके मुँह से निकल पड़ा –
हे परम पिता परमेश्वर
जिंदगी का बस यही सार है
हो अगर सर पर हाथ तेरा
यह ज़िन्दगी गुलज़ार है।


Julekha Yasmin Ali

A little girl named MEERA.She is a cute little girl of seven year old,studying in class 7.She lives with her Granny at the district of Niwari of the heart of India i.g Madhya Pradesh.She had lost her parents since her birth.Her granny loves her the most.The old granny take care of Meera.For her life is just like a garden.She loves everything around her.She respects everyone.She is loved by everyone in her locality.
Her cute and innocence behaviour owns everyone’s heart.
She is just like an angel for everyone.

One the day of her birthday,old granny arranged a party for meera secretly to give her a surprise.
But on that day,Meera didn’t return home.She went to a distant place with her friends to celebrate her birthday.
The old granny was waiting for her since long.But she couldn’t find her.
It was 6p.m still she didn’t return back.The old granny asked everyone about meera,no one was able to answer where she is!!!
Even her friends had returned to their respective home but Meera was missing.
The old granny was so nervous because Meera is the only reason for her support.She went to the police station to take their help to find Meera.
Next day, the police find the dead body of meera along the river side.
Everyone got surprised how it happened!!
But no one could answer.
Even her friends could not say anything.All the things they say that, after the completion of party everyone returned back except meera because a stranger who was a friend of meera took her with himself.
This much they were able to answer.
The police tried to find that stranger.
Finally,the police was able to find that unknown person.That mysterious person described the whole story how he became Friend of meera secretly.
His only purpose was to take sexual pleasure from meera.But as Meera shouted he killed her mercilessly.
This is how the life of a girl come to an end just because of an insane person and for his satisfaction for a few moments.
Through this story I want to convey the message always be careful regarding the security of your child.
This is how just because of a selfish desire, the scroundle was able to crush all the happiness of a little girl for whom life is just like a garden.


Sara Tendulkar

Life is just like a garden-

I plucked a fresh rose from my garden. Oh what do you thing I’d do with it? Well, the dumbest thing you could think of.
‘She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not’
And, yeah, she doesn’t love me, once again, I hate this flower. In fact I hate roses.
I guess I’ll try that tulip there. Maybe umm-
‘Oh hey Jake’ I was startled by a familiar voice. I turned around and God, it was Sam, who always made my heart rush like an idiot.
‘H-hey,uh. Haha’ I kind of threw away the tulip and maybe kicked it a bit. It fell on her foot. Why god, why. I felt like an idiot as usual. I can’t imagine a single moment with her where I haven’t proved myself an idiot.
Her blonde hair, her cute laugh as she picked up she flower, her sparkling eyes and her pretty blue dress was enough to melt me right there.
‘I’ve got seeds for you, we can plant roses and well,’ she held up an old, worn out jute bag, ‘I’ve got sunflower ones too’
‘Great job’ I wiped off my sweat as I high-fived Sam at the end of the day. We had sowed almost all the seeds.

In a few weeks, new plants grew. I was staring at a tulip remembering my embarrassing moment with Sam, and smiling like an idiot and-
‘He loves me, he loves me not..’
Wait was that Sam’s voice? Yeah!
I crept close to the window and knelt a bit low to cover myself, and heard her whisper my name.
‘She really does love me’
At that moment, life felt full of roses, tulips and sunflowers. Life’s seriously like a garden.

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