09/11/2023 की प्रतियोगिता का विषय है “Suicide”। हमसे जुड़े हुए प्रतिभावान कवियों के कविताओं को पढ़िए । प्रेम, डर, और अंधकार ऐसे कई मायने होंगे जो कवियों के दिल को भावुक रखते है । ऐसी भावुकता का हम आदर करते है और उनकी भावनाओं को निपुण बनाना ही संकल्प है हमारा । हम हर रोज किसी न किसी विषय पर अपने व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुप में Daily Challenge प्रतियोगिता के माध्यम से लेखकों तथा कवियों को उनकी बातों को कलम तक आने का मौका देते है । और जो सबसे अच्छा लिखते हैं । आप उनकी लेख इस पेज पर पढ़ रहे है
The theme of the competition for 09/11/2023 is “Suicide“. Read the poems of the talented poets associated with us. Love, fear, and darkness are the many meanings that keep the hearts of poets emotional. We respect such sentiments and it is our resolve to make their feelings adept. Every day, we give an opportunity to writers and poets to put their thoughts to pen through the Daily Challenge competition in our WhatsApp group on different Topic. And those who write best. You are reading those article on this page.
I screamed so loud the wall shook’
Today I received my first flower,
It was so bright and beautiful that my eyes turned watery.
I am sorry he said, I never knew I was a beast.
I forgave him seeing the sincerity in his eyes.
I shouted so loud the house shattered;
Today I received my first gifts;
The clothes and jewellery were all so beautiful and fit my mind was numb from the pain.
Alas, my face was too botched to wear them.
I whispered my voice faint from exhaustion;
Today I heard the faults in my head,
I was too attached to see the point,
Too dirty to be beautiful,
My sense of humour was too dry to make him laugh,
Too fat… Was I fat? But the kids reshaped me.
My smile was not as bright and shiny as it used to be,
So I watched him flaunt as he didn’t bother with the flowers anymore.
I could have screamed, but my voice is gone and my eyes are closed forever,
Today I am receiving so many flowers and sweet words
But, my hands can’t reach out to take them,
As I lay here with darkness surrounding me,
I wished I could have screamed so the world would hear.
Handle: Aabimisha38
आत्महत्या- जुर्म जो सब करते हैं….
कहते हैं आत्महत्या जुर्म है!!
पर इस दुनिया में हर कोई ये जुर्म कर रहा है..
आप सोच रहे होंगे कैसे??
आइए देखते हैं……
- सपना जो कुछ बनने का सपना लिए पैदा हुई थी मगर उसे ये कहकर विदा कर दिया गया कि ‘सपने तो होते ही टूटने के लिए हैं।’
- उज्वल जो अपना भविष्य उज्वल करने निकला था मुंबई शेफ बनने की आस में उसे ये कह कर रोक लिया गया कि ‘आदमी ये सब काम नहीं करते।’
3.मेघा जिसने 25 साल में ही मोह माया का त्याग कर दिया, ऐसा इसिलिए नहीं क्योंकि उसका मन था पर उससे ये कह कर त्याग करवाया गया कि ‘विधवाओं की जिंदगी ऐसी ही होती है।
किसने कहा कि आत्महत्या इंसानो की ही होती है सिर्फ??
उसके सपनों की, भावनाओं की, आशाऔ की भी तो हो सकती है।
और शायद इन सब की आत्महत्या इंसानो की आत्महत्या से भी ज्यादा ख़तरनाक होती है….
क्योंकि इन सब की आत्महत्या के बाद इंसान सिर्फ एक जीता जगता साचा बन जाता है जो जैसा ढालो वैसा ढल जाता है और नाउम्मीद बन जाता हैl
तो अब आपको जवाब मिल गया होगा कि ये जुर्म सब कैसे कर सकते हैं।
तो जरा सोचिये कि कहीं आप ये जुर्म तो नहीं कर रहे या किसी को करने के लिए कर रहे हो मजबूर??
Insta I’d- life_dictates_writer_writes
(A real story of a parent who, on failing to fend for his family, committed suicide.)
Have you pondered on life’s arduous plight,
The struggle within, the darkest night?
Have you tried to fathom the depths unknown,
The pain he bore, silently alone?
It’s easy to criticize, condemn with might,
Yet mental anguish, hidden from sight.
A silent battle, he fought within,
Facing stress, a constant din.
Some deem it cowardice, a desperate end,
Running from problems, they condescend.
Yet he, too, yearned for life’s embrace,
To provide for kin, in this harsh space.
Doors he knocked, pleas in every plea,
Yet failure echoed, in cruel decree.
No understanding, no helping hand,
In shadows, he cried, this broken man.
In darkness, he wept, a face concealed,
When hunger’s cry, his heart did yield.
Embarrassed, he faced the school’s closed gate,
Unable to pay, a crushing fate.
This world so cold, devoid of grace,
Left him no choice, no resting place.
In desperation’s grasp, poison took flight,
A final sleep, ending endless night.
No dawn, no waking from this deep sleep,
A tragic tale, in silence, we weep.
Thoughts Consume my Mind
Depths of darkness, where shadows reside,
My heart play’s an unsung hym,
Thoughts consume my mind, like an endless tide.
Aching in my heart, a pain so profound,
I long for solace, a peace to be found.
Echoes of sorrow reverberate within,
A silent battle, a war I cannot win.
Weary and worn, my spirit so frail,
Bound by despair, imprisoned in this jail.
No one to understand, the struggles I face,
No gentle embrace, just an empty space.
Lost in a world where compassion is scarce,
Longing for someone to show that they care.
Each day, a struggle to mask my pain,
Hiding behind a smile, as tears fall like rain.
Seeking solace in darkness, where no one can see,
Disguising the anguish consuming me.
Whispers of thoughts, urging me to depart,
To end this torment that engulfs my heart.
In darkness I dwell, aching to be free,
From this relentless sadness that envelops me.
But in my darkest hour, a glimmer appears,
A flicker of hope, erasing my fears.
A guardian angel, sent to rescue my soul,
To offer compassion, to make me feel whole.
With gentle words, they lift me from the abyss,
A tender touch, a reminder of bliss.
They listen without judgment, with open arms,
They understand my pain and all its harms.
In their eyes, I see a reflection of my own,
A bond formed from pain, so deep and unknown.
Together we fight, this battle we share,
United in strength, showing we truly care.
They remind me that I am not alone,
That my pain is valid, and it is known.
We stand together, a force against despair,
Arm in arm, showing each other we care.
No longer lost, in a world so unkind,
For now, I have found solace in my mind.
Though the darkness remains, a constant fight,
I know I have allies to guide me to light.
So let this be a reminder, to those who feel lost,
To seek out compassion, at any cost.
There is hope to be found, in the darkest night,
And someone out there, who will hold you tight.
For in our pain, we find strength anew,
A resilience that shines through and through.
And though the road is treacherous and steep,
Together we’ll conquer, our souls we shall keep.
INSTA : deep_widin
A stage where one feels like giving up on their lives.
Reasons could be many……
Betrayal, cheating, depression, negative thoughts, feeling lonely, feeling as a looser and many more.
Easy to say but hard to feel the exact feeling a person is having
But is this the solution to any problem.
The moment you have these negative thoughts,
Think of someone who is happy to have you in their lives.
Your parents, spouse,lover, children….
You may have one reason to think of suicide,
But many reasons to relive your life.
So it’s better to realise and relive the beautiful life that’s a biggest gift from God.
Appreciate and love the gift we have.
For every word I didn’t speak
For every sting I didn’t scream
For every hit I couldn’t shield
And for every sob I could’t shrug
There was always a shredded heart tied together
For every pain I couldn’t flinch
For every cheat I couldn’t fight
For every stone I didn’t fall over
And for every storm I didn’t forget my path
There was always a broken soul annexed piece by piece
Sometimes I think, at that time
If I could raise my voice
If I could shout for help
If I could fight for myself
If I could live some more
-Dr. Priyanka
Many students, adults and many people had committed suicide for different reasons.
Firstly let’s talk about our respected farmers. Many farmers had committed suicide because of high amount of debt and many could not find laborers . Many farmers had gone through psychological problems for these reasons and had committed suicide.
Second example we can take is students, many students also had committed suicide because of academics pressure, bullying..etc. Students have to be prepared physically and also mentally and many teen ager students also have committed suicide not only teen ager they had committed suicide because of others but trust me why are you wasting your diamond 💎 precious life . Yes this life has a problem just think don’t maths has a problem it has but it has a solution also in the same way somehow we have to find out solution. Your are a diamond 💎 why are you wasting yourselves .
Before thinking of committing suicide please do think of parents because they are waiting for your success before ending I would just say
“Don’t waste yourselves because your a diamond and your parents are eagerly waiting for your success “
Zaina Sharrif
दोगला ये समाज कहाँ समझ पता है,
एक व्यक्ति अपने सपने मारने के बाद कहाँ जी पता है।
शरीर से पहले उसका मन मर जाता है,
तब कोई इंसान आत्महत्या करने के कगार पर आता है।
फिर भी समाज को अंदर से मृत इंसान कहा नज़र आता है,
अवसाद जैसा शब्द कहाँ कोई समझ पता है।
तब तक तो हर कोई खुश और सम्पूर्ण नज़र आता है,
जब तक वह आत्महत्या कर के नहीं दिखाता है।
जाने के बाद ये समाज उस इंसान को श्रद्धांजलि देने जाता है,
“क्या पता क्यूँ किया ऐसा, सब कुछ तो अच्छा ही चल रहा था”, कह कर वापस आ जाता है।
साक्षी गुप्ता
Insta Id:- i_sg_here
उसके जाने के बाद क्या हुआ !! “
आत्महत्या करके वो तो दर्द से निजात पा गया
पर अपने पीछे दुखों का सैलाब छोड़ गया
माँ का दुलारा तो पिता का सहारा था
आज महफिल में होकर भी वो अकेले पड़ गए
उनके कलेजे के तो टुकड़े टुकड़े हो गए।
वो बेचारे एक दूसरे को सम्भालने में लग गए
पर समाज के ताने कम नहीं हो रहे
माँ अपनी परवरिश तो अपने स्वभाव को दोष दे रहे
आत्महत्या तो उनके सर्वस्व ने की पर आजीवन सजा माता पिता भुगत रहे।
ऋतम शुक्ला
महफ़िलों मे भी होकर
खुद को तन्हा पाया था!!
एक रोज़ मैंने भी
आत्महत्या के लिए कदम उठाया था!!
मेरे मन की व्यथा
कोई समझ ना पाया था!!
भरी सभा मे मैने
अपनों से धोखा खाया था
दर्द ए ज़ख्म, कुछ ऐसा था
मेरे दोस्त ने ही खंजर मारा था!!
शिकवा करते भी किससे
जब अपनों का ही सिर पर ना साया था
अपनों मे होकर खुद को तहाँ पाया था!!
समझ आया एक अर्से के बाद मे
कोई नहीं होता साथ मे!!
अकेले आए हों तो अकेले ही जाना है
आत्महत्या क्यों जिंदगी जी लू
जो होगा देखा जायेगा बाद मे!!
खुशबू उपाध्याय जौनपुर
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