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Artificial Intelligence/YMPH-Daily-Writing-Challenge

26/03/2024 की प्रतियोगिता का विषय है “Artificial Intelligence” हमसे जुड़े हुए प्रतिभावान कवियों के कविताओं को पढ़िए । प्रेम, डर, और अंधकार ऐसे कई मायने होंगे जो कवियों के दिल को भावुक रखते है । ऐसी भावुकता का हम आदर करते है और उनकी भावनाओं को निपुण बनाना ही संकल्प है हमारा । हम हर रोज किसी न किसी विषय पर अपने व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुप में Daily Challenge प्रतियोगिता के माध्यम से लेखकों तथा कवियों को उनकी बातों को कलम तक आने का मौका देते है । और जो सबसे अच्छा लिखते हैं । आप उनकी लेख इस पेज पर पढ़ रहे है

The theme of the competition for 26/03/2024 is Artificial Intelligence“. Read the poems of the talented poets associated with us. Love, fear, and darkness are the many meanings that keep the hearts of poets emotional. We respect such sentiments and it is our resolve to make their feelings adept. Every day, we give an opportunity to writers and poets to put their thoughts to pen through the Daily Challenge competition in our WhatsApp group on different Topic. And those who write best. You are reading those article on this page.

Artificial Intelligence

AI it is a threat to professionals…
AI (artificial intelligence) that was launched by USA.. Alan Turing was a first inventer of AI…
AI is our future, where AI works as a replacer of human beings..AI is threat to us because people are thinking AI works for them but that is not true..
Advantage of AI:-

  1. AI have more knowledge than human beings..
  2. AI do works more faster than humans.
  3. AI knows many languages and have knowledge about every field..

Disadvantage of AI:-

  1. AI makes human beings more lazy..
  2. AI don’t have emotions as human beings have..
  3. Cost of AI is very

AI is good but we can’t replace humans with Artificial intelligence..

Hetal Tyagi

Artificial Intelligence

Because of Artificial Intelligence ,
Life became easy,
Because of Artificial Intelligence ,
Seeking of Information Became Easy.

There is advantages of Artificial Intelligence ,
But there is also disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence ,

Artificial Intelligence Helps to Search Informations and many other things,
And it Also Destroys many people’s Skills.

Artificial Intelligence
Helps to search Information,
But it also destroys Many Peoples Skills.

For Example, we have to create poem,
Then Artificial Intelligence helps to give an idea,
But this Artificial Intelligence also Destroys Skills.

Artificial Intelligence is good ,
for many research,
But its Not Good,
Because It Destroys Skills.

AI,Is it a threat to professionals
Of course not,it is not threat to professionals
but in return,it has made the work of the people easy and more secure .This Artificial Intelligence has made our work easy and fast .Now,it takes seconds to handle the toughest works like PowerPoint and Ms Excel and many other things.It is not threat but a blessing for professionals who can ease their work by this.
AI is the best program for all .AI is a boon for us.

Anushka Pandey

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