Topic ‘A Girl ‘
Being a girl is not easy, because she has to listen to a lot since born. If she is born poor or middle, then it is a curse for her. She has to listen to her birth giver, her family, and even from the societies. She is restricted
for do’s and don’ts. She is told at every step, you are a girl you can’t do this. She feels depressed and humiliated by this. When she marries she is told that her husband is her God, whatever he does is written, and never argues with him. His family is your family now. From now onwards, your husband’s house is yours. She listens to her mother-in-law about what you
have learned from your house. She is told by both the sides Parental abode and In-law’s house that this is not her own house, then, she thinks which is her house? But, If the girl decides they can achieve anything, we can see examples we have seen are Mary Kom, Sania Mirza, Rani Laxmi Bai, Avani Chaturvedi, and Kalpana Chawla. Just they need to identify their will and talent. There is nothing achieved without struggles and hard work. So, Girls listen to yourself.
Anushka Pandey
मुख से पहले निकली हिन्दी,
माथे की बिन्दी है हिन्दी।
ममता का आंचल है हिन्दी,
पिता का लाड दुलार है ।
अपनों की भाषा है हिन्दी।।
सपनों की भाषा है हिन्दी,
भारत की आशा है हिन्दी।
हिन्दुस्तान की आवाज है हिन्दी …
Aatiya Mehboob
popularity is vanity
Fame is a game
Desire is like a wildfire
It burns and rages
but only to destroy
before it retires
It’s not right to be everyone’s favorite
better to live for a cause
than to live for a crowd
who in the end only care about themselves
Stay true to yourself
Don’t lose your peace
just to get a RIP
The only thing that outlasts you
is the impact made by you.
The difference you make is your testimony
A rich legacy of purpose.
© simply-segunola
IG : simplysegunola
यूँ तो वक़्त हर ज़ख़्म भर देता है
पर जो ज़ख़्म वक़्त देता है
उन्हें कोई नहीं भर सकता
यूँ तो वक़्त रेत कि तरह फिसल जाता है
पर मुश्किलों में ये वक़्त मंद गति से गुज़रता है..!
ये नहीं के वक़्त हमारी बदनसीबी पर हँसता है
पर ये मुश्किल सफ़र में हमें जमकर खड़े रहना सिखाता है
ये वक़्त तो एक चलता–फिरता मुसाफ़िर है
कभी तेरा है कभी मेरा है..!
@पूजाली शिंदे
Insta Id- poojalishinde..
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