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Complexities of life/YMPH-Daily-Writing-Challenge

19/03/2024 की प्रतियोगिता का विषय है “Complexities of life” हमसे जुड़े हुए प्रतिभावान कवियों के कविताओं को पढ़िए । प्रेम, डर, और अंधकार ऐसे कई मायने होंगे जो कवियों के दिल को भावुक रखते है । ऐसी भावुकता का हम आदर करते है और उनकी भावनाओं को निपुण बनाना ही संकल्प है हमारा । हम हर रोज किसी न किसी विषय पर अपने व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुप में Daily Challenge प्रतियोगिता के माध्यम से लेखकों तथा कवियों को उनकी बातों को कलम तक आने का मौका देते है । और जो सबसे अच्छा लिखते हैं । आप उनकी लेख इस पेज पर पढ़ रहे है

The theme of the competition for 19/03/2024 is Complexities of life“. Read the poems of the talented poets associated with us. Love, fear, and darkness are the many meanings that keep the hearts of poets emotional. We respect such sentiments and it is our resolve to make their feelings adept. Every day, we give an opportunity to writers and poets to put their thoughts to pen through the Daily Challenge competition in our WhatsApp group on different Topic. And those who write best. You are reading those article on this page.

Complexities of life

India, a land of love,
a peace loving dove.
once was a heaven,
for every religion given.
All lived in harmony,
when love diffused evenly.
neither Hindus ,nor Muslims,
everyone lived like siblings .
everything was fine,
until a stupid man created a stupid line,
creating two different countries,
he created boundaries,
he drew a line on map,
but it was actually on people’s lap,
lap of people’s heart,
which shot like a sharp dart,
creating a permanent crack,
in the brotherhood that existed long back,
the incident imprinted in hearts so deeper,
the wound created is growing like a creeper,
destroying the peace and harmony till now,
demeaning country’s integrity anyhow,
so deep was the pain,
the love did not grew again,
love is replaced by hatred,
communal riots are not outdated,
this a common political stunt,
divide and rule on people’s front,
poison of hatred dissolving in society,
learning truth and understanding reality,
is people’s responsibility,
deny to differentiate, with your sensibility,
else be a puppet of politics,
where no one follow any ethics.

© Shiwangi Jaiswal

Complexities of life

Years back, I had seen a movie , love aaj kal. It was besides being a rom com, a modern day, take on our lives.
Their a guy, of our age tries to justify his breakup, by giving examples of fast life, distances, different timelines, and easy availability of options.
And the guy, was cent percent right, except for the breakup part, I fully support him.
When we look around us, right from buying a car, home, insurance, doing job( public/ private), eating food, watch movies, and so… we have so many options, that, we have made our lives complex…
Damn complex…
Though even if , we go with some option, we are totally not sure, about it…
It feels like, doing it, for the sake of doing…
Many times when I’m sitting with my parents, and their parents…they often tell, how simple, life was…
Requirements of a person were less, so they didn’t had to hassle themselves…
In a movie ( Fight Club)Brad Pitt, so clearly points out, that advertising companies, cloud our thoughts, in such a way, that we actually end up buying things, which we don’t need, and ultimately, those things end up owning us…
I personally had decided, to make my life simple, so deleted my social media accounts ( waste of time, and personally, I find the virtual world, to be fake.), never used any dating apps, well I believe in old school love, but yes, certain things, which are a necessity, I only keep them…didn’t find any use of doing a corporate job, so quit it, I anyways, never found it productive…
Instead of roaming here and there, decided to pen my thoughts, and it proved to be a wonderful decision, get to read , very good write ups, of people, from around the nation…
Things I did, actually helped me, with mental peace, more time for myself…and I can actually understand, what’s happening around me…
I do realise when morning happened, and when evening set in…
Living life , in a simple way, may sound very difficult, but no harm, in trying…


Life….live it simple, keep it simple

Life can be so unpredictable at times.The things you want, you don’t get it,& the things you don’t want but you get it.We may have all the things but we might still feel lonely & we might have nothing but still we may feel contempt.The satisfaction comes from within,not through any materials or people.We got to embrace whatever we have got & don’t feel sad for the things we don’t have.

Gulam Subhani

IG :- @gulamsubhanidbest1

Life… live it simple, keep it simple…

In the complexity of life, simplicity often holds profound wisdom. Embracing simplicity allows us to appreciate the beauty in everyday moments, find clarity amidst chaos, and prioritize what truly matters. Simplifying our lives can lead to greater contentment, inner peace, and a deeper connection with ourselves and others. So, let’s embrace simplicity and live each day with a lighter heart and a clearer mind.


IG :- shivanshi_5702

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