Sign of Love

30/05/2024 की प्रतियोगिता का विषय है “Sign of love” हमसे जुड़े हुए प्रतिभावान कवियों के कविताओं को पढ़िए । प्रेम, डर, और अंधकार ऐसे कई मायने होंगे जो कवियों के दिल को भावुक रखते है । ऐसी भावुकता का हम आदर करते है और उनकी भावनाओं को निपुण बनाना ही संकल्प है हमारा । हम हर रोज किसी न किसी विषय पर अपने व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुप में Daily Challenge प्रतियोगिता के माध्यम से लेखकों तथा कवियों को उनकी बातों को कलम तक आने का मौका देते है । और जो सबसे अच्छा लिखते हैं । आप उनकी लेख इस पेज पर पढ़ रहे है

The theme of the competition for 30/05/2024 is “Sign of Love”. Read the poems of the talented poets associated with us. Love, fear, and darkness are the many meanings that keep the hearts of poets emotional. We respect such sentiments and it is our resolve to make their feelings adept. Every day, we give an opportunity to writers and poets to put their thoughts to pen through the Daily Challenge competition in our WhatsApp group on different Topic. And those who write best. You are reading those article on this page.

Sign of Love

Sign of love
You can’t summarise signs of love
It’s different for everyone one
You count it seems less
You think it seems a lot
But when you feel it’s never ending
-sukriti Hans
InstaId: sukushiwritings

In whispered breeze and gentle touch,
A sign of love, it blooms so much.
In tender glance and soft embrace,
Love’s language found in every space.

A smile exchanged, a hand held tight,
In darkest hour or morning light.
In laughter shared and tears that fall,
Love’s presence felt, the greatest call.

In acts of kindness, big or small,
Love’s signature, it stands so tall.
In words unspoken, yet understood,
Signs of love, in every neighborhood.

For love resides in every heart,
Its signs, a masterpiece of art.
In every moment, seen or unseen,
Love’s presence reigns, forever keen.


Sign of Love
When you realise that ,you can’t live without their existence in your life.This realisation is sign of Love.
When you can’t think of anyone else except that particular person
around you ,it shows you are in love.
There is love in each action of the people who take care of love without demanding anything in return.

Anushka Pandey

प्यार का नशा….

तुझसे बात करू तो सुकून आए
जरूरी नहीं कि रोज करू तभी एतराम आए;
तेरी बातों में कुछ तो जादू है
तभी मुझ में नशा छाए;
तुझसे दीवानगी करना मेरी आदत बन गई हैं
और मुझसे मोहबत करना तुम्हारी इबादत बन गई हैं….

Deeksha Vishwakarma

Signs of love – first Love.

You were the constant thing
On my mind, a thought
That never left,
You were the thought on my
Mind even in day and night

Our endless love,
A tale to cherish
I wish to be
With you all the time
I love the way you
Smile, and the way
You make me feel,
I dream of you
Every night.

You are entangled in
My heart, there are just
Thoughts of you
All the late night
Confessions a love
So true.

You were the sign
Sent from the universe
My 11:11 wish
By being with you
Gives me endless peace.
I keep you in my prayers

With you I have laughed
More & smiled harder,
I believe you’re blessing
From heaven above

– Sanchali Desai

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